The Cognitive Development Lab
Selected Publications
Hartston, M., Avidan, G., Pertzov, Y., & Hadad, B. S. (2023). Weaker face recognition in adults with autism arises from perceptually based alterations. Autism Research, 16(4), 723-733.
Binur, N., Hel-Or, H., & Hadad, B. S. (2022). Individuals with autism show non-adaptive relative weighting of perceptual prior and sensory reliability. Autism, 26(8), 2052-2065.
Szpiro, S., Twito, R., & Hadad, B. S. (2022). She still seems angry: inflexibility in updating emotional priors in autism. Journal of Vision, 22(14), 3508-3508.
Eraky, A., Leikin, R., & Hadad, B. S. (2022). Relationships between general giftedness, expertise in mathematics, and mathematical creativity that associated with pattern generalization tasks in different representations. Asian Journal for Mathematics Education, 1(1), 36-51.
Hadad, B. S., & Yashar, A. (2022). Sensory perception in autism: What can we learn?. Annual review of vision science, 8, 239-264.
Denison, R., Hadad, B. S., & Yashar, A. (2022). Whether and how individuals with ASD utilize prior belief during perceptual decision making: Evidence from an orientation categorization task. Journal of Vision, 22(14), 3537-3537.
Ahmad, Z., Karsh, N., Ganel, T., Hadad, B. S., & Freud, E. (2022). Visual illusions modulate perception and action in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Vision, 22(14), 3573-3573.
Fooks, N., Hadad, B. S., & Rubinsten, O. (2021). Nonsymbolic-magnitude deficit in adults with developmental dyscalculia: Evidence of impaired size discrimination but intact size constancy. Psychological Science, 32(8), 1271-1284.
Freud, E., Binur, N., Srikanth, A., Davidson, E., Ganel, T., & Hadad, B. S. (2021). Double dissociation between perception and action in children. Journal of experimental child psychology, 201, 104986.
Norton, D. J., McBain, R. K., Murray, G. E., Khang, J., Zong, Z., Bollacke, H. R., ... & Chen, Y. (2021). Normal Face Detection Over a Range of Luminance Contrasts in Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 667359.
Dinstein, I., Arazi, A., Golan, H. M., Koller, J., Elliott, E., Gozes, I., ... & Meiri, G. (2020). The National Autism Database of Israel: a resource for studying autism risk factors, biomarkers, outcome measures, and treatment efficacy. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 70, 1303-1312.
Shalev, T., Schwartz, S., Miller, P., & Hadad, B. S. (2020). Do deaf individuals have better visual skills in the periphery? Evidence from processing facial attributes. Visual Cognition, 28(3), 205-217.
Ahmad, Z., Binur, N., Ganel, T., Hadad, B. S., & Freud, E. (2020). Reduced Functional Dissociation Between Action and Perception in Individuals with Autism. Journal of Vision, 20(11), 1238-1238.
Lulav-Bash, T., Avidan, G., Binur, N., & Hadad, B. S. (2020). Regression to the mean enhances perceptual resolutions of face identification. Journal of Vision, 20(11), 1177-1177.
Binur, N., & Hadad, B. S. (2020). Contextual and Anchoring Effects on Perceptual Resolutions and Perceived Magnitudes: Within-and Between-Modalities Effects. Journal of Vision, 20(11), 1115-1115.
Hadad, B. S., & Schwartz, S. (2019). Perception in autism does not adhere to Weber’s law. Elife, 8, e42223.
Hadad, B. S., Schwartz, S., & Binur, N. (2019). Reduced perceptual specialization in autism: Evidence from the other-race face effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 148(3), 588.
Avraam, R., Binur, N., & Hadad, B. S. (2019). Typical perceptual organization in autism: Perceptual grouping and spatial distortion. Autism Research, 12(11), 1623-1635.
Mardo, E., Schwartz, S., Avidan, G., & Hadad, B. S. (2019). Emotional cues differently modulate visual processing of faces and objects. Emotion, 19(4), 573.
Hadad, B. S., Russo, N., Kimchi, R., Babineau, V., & Burack, J. A. (2019). Typical utilization of gestalt grouping cues in shape perception by persons with autism spectrum disorder. Perception, 48(12), 1175-1196.
Bat-Sheva, H., & Schwartz, S. (2019). Perception in autism does not adhere to Weber’s law. Elife, 8.
Hadad, B. & Burack, J. Sensitivity of spatial integration to Gestalt cues in autism. Perception. 1-18.
Hadad, B. S. (2018). Developmental trends in susceptibility to perceptual illusions: Not all illusions are created equal. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 80, 1619-1628.
Mardo, E., Avidan, G., & Hadad, B. S. (2018). Adults’ markers of face processing are present at age 6 and are interconnected along development. Perception, 47(10-11), 1002-1028.
Hadad, B., & #Schwartz, S (2018). Atypical basic psychophysics in autism: Weber’s law does not hold. Elife, 1-15.
Hadad, B. S., Goldstein, E. K., & Russo, N. N. (2017). Atypical perception in autism: A failure of perceptual specialization?. Autism Research, 10(9), 1510-1522.
Hadad, B. S., Maurer, D., & Lewis, T. L. (2017). The role of early visual input in the development of contour interpolation: the case of subjective contours. Developmental Science, 20(3), e12379.
Schwartz, S., Hadad, B., Sekely, L., & Gabay, S. (2017). Different Mechanisms in the interpolation of modal and amodal completion; Evidence for different involvement of lower visual areas. Journal of Vision, 17, 1371-1375.
Hadad, B. S. (2016). Color perception in ASD. Journal of Vision, 16(12), 626-626.
Hadad, B. S., & Ziv, Y. (2015). Strong bias towards analytic perception in ASD does not necessarily come at the price of impaired integration skills. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45, 1499-1512.
Freud, E., Hadad, B. S., Avidan, G., & Ganel, T. (2015). Evidence for similar early but not late representation of possible and impossible objects. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 94.
Mardo, E., Hadad, B. S., & Avidan, G. (2015). Developing Behavioural Tools for Characterizing Normal and Abnormal Face Perception in 6-14 Years Old Children. Journal of Vision, 15(12), 1201-1201.
Hadad, B. S., Maurer, D., & Lewis, T. L. (2015). Developmental trends in interpolation and its spatial constraints: A comparison of subjective and occluded contours. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 77, 1307-1320.
Hadad, B., #Schwartz, S., Maurer, D., & Lewis, T. L. (2015). Motion perception: a review of developmental changes and the role of early visual experience. Frontiers in integrative neuroscience, 1-18.
Ziv, Y., Hadad, B. S., & Khateeb, Y. (2014). Social information processing in preschool children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44, 846-859.
Hadad, B. S. (2014). Atypical Basic Psychophysics in ASD. Journal of Vision, 14(10), 675-675.
Freud, E., Hadad, B. S., Avidan, G., & Ganel, T. (2013). The Perceptual Processes Underling the Representation of Impossible Objects. Journal of Vision, 13(9), 63-63.
Hadad, B. S., Maurer, D., & Lewis, T. L. (2012). Sparing of sensitivity to biological motion but not of global motion after early visual deprivation. Developmental Science, 15(4), 474-481.
Hadad, B. S., Avidan, G., & Ganel, T. (2012). Functional dissociation between perception and action is evident early in life. Developmental Science, 15(5), 653-658.
Hadad, B. (2012). Sensitivity of spatial integration to perceptual cues is preserved in healthy aging. Vision research, 60, 1-6.
Hadad, B. S., Maurer, D., & Lewis, T. L. (2011). Long trajectory for the development of sensitivity to global and biological motion. Developmental science, 14(6), 1330-1339.
Patel, M. N., Hadad, B. S., Maurer, D., & Lewis, T. L. Mind the Gap: The Effect of Support Ratio and Size on Contour Interpolation.
Hadad, B., Maurer, D., & Lewis, T. L. (2010). The effects of spatial proximity and collinearity on contour integration in adults and children. Vision Research, 50 (8), 772-778.
Hadad, B. S., & Kimchi, R. (2008). Time course of grouping of shape by perceptual closure: Effects of spatial proximity and collinearity. Perception & psychophysics, 70, 818-827.
Hadad, B. S., & Kimchi, R. (2008). Grouping of shape by perceptual closure: Effects of spatial proximity and collinearity. Journal of Vision, 8(6), 582-582.
Hadad, B. S., & Kimchi, R. (2006). Developmental trends in utilizing perceptual closure for grouping of shape: Effects of spatial proximity and collinearity. Perception & Psychophysics, 68, 1264-1273.
Kimchi, R., Hadad, B., Behrmann, M, & Palmer, S. E. (2005). Microgenesis and ontogenesis of perceptual organization: Evidence from global and local processing of hierarchical patterns. Psychological Science, 16, 282-290.
Kimchi, R., & Hadad, B. S. (2002). Influence of past experience on perceptual grouping. Psychological Science, 13(1), 41-47.